The Author of this blog is Animesh Panda, student of 4th year, BA LLB (H), Gujarat National Law University, Gandhinagar, Gujrat
The prison system in India is still regulated by the
archaic Prison Act of 1894. The correctional system of any country reflects the
attitude of public towards criminals which is deeply rooted in history and
tradition. From the earliest time India had a very well defined prison system.
Kautilya’s Arthashastra recommended that separate accommodation for men and
women should be made and prisons should be constructed by the road side so that
monotony of prison life is reduced to a considerable extent. In Mughal period
the punishments like death sentence, mutilation, whipping, flogging and
branding etc. were given which were based on the deterrent principle also the
prisoners were subject to inhuman treatment with draconic prisons. The British
tried to improve the conditions of Indian prisons and prisoners. In 1836, a
committee named Prison Enquiry Committee was appointed by the Government to
give a report on the existing conditions in jails in the country. The Prison
Act of 1894 was introduced by the British following the recommendations of the
committee it classified prisoners and abolished the sentence of whipping and
introduced proper food, clothing and appropriate medical treatment for the
prisoners. The British had a huge impact on the Indian society as they
introduced the prison act established a proper system which is still followed
in India but now it has become archaic and needs to be reformed to make the
penal system for efficient and to try alternatives to imprisonment.
Analysis of Prison
Act, 1894
The Prison Act 1894 deals more with the smooth
functioning of prison rather than reformation and rehabilitation of prisoners. This
act has colonial approach which deflects with the contemporary ideology of
reformation of prisoners on humanitarian grounds in order to change their heart
and mind to become responsible citizens rather than to advocate punitive and
disciplinary measures of taming them in prisoners like animals in zoo.[1] The
prisoners should not be just left on their own in prison to suffer like dead
creatures but should be treated with respect of a human being.
The rightful treatment to the prisons can be achieved
by ensuring them access to free legal aid services, maternity help in jail to
female prisoners so that they can carry the child safely, therapy sessions
for prisoners in order to ensure that they don’t break psychologically inside
the prison cells, monetary assistance to indigent prisoners and their families
to fight for their survival inside the jail. The government changed the name of
prisons to correctional homes but it was just a nomenclature change not a
structural change; the goal of the Draft National Policy on Prison Reforms and
Correctional Administration in 2007 stated “prisons
in the country shall endeavour to reform and re-assimilate offenders in the
social milieu by giving them appropriate correctional treatment”.[2] Despite
this statement the government has not implemented any structural changes still there
is no after care and post release follow up of released prisoners and no policy
for the reintegration of prisoners.
The role of prisons is to reform prisoners but the
current prisons break their inner self so blatantly that they can never fit
into their normal self in outside world ever after. The reformation is not seen
in prisoners when they get released out of jail cells as they become absolute
misfits in the society after suffering from inhuman tortures and adding to
their misery the social stigma they have to live with as they are never
accepted neither by society nor by their own families. It is hard to picture
their plight in light of the incompetent infrastructure present in prisons and
inhuman treatment they have to suffer at the hands of prison authorities.
Prison teaches inmates to become criminals, so a system that locks up
non-violent offenders will only lead to more crime, not less.[3]
The Indian prison system also suffers from the problem
of overcrowding; the rapid growth of the prison population is a cause of
concern. In prisons across India, there are 4,50,696 prisoners against the
capacity of 3,91,574 as of 2017. The prisons are overcrowded at 15.1% against
the authorized capacity. The percentage of under trial prisoners in 2017 was
68.5% while in year 2000 it was 71.2%. Even though the percentage of under trial
prisoners has decreased, Indian prisons are still facing overcrowding, due to a
high percentage of under trials in the prison population.[4]
On the contrary, in a welfare state like Sweden,
prisons are being shut down because of dwindling prison population after an
emphasis on non-institutional alternatives to punishment including conditional
sentences, probation for first-time offenders and the more extensive use of
fines. When Portugal was facing the problem of overcrowding the government decriminalised
drugs and shifted their focus from convicting drug addicts to putting them in
rehab centres which resulted in a huge decrease in prison population and of
drug addiction and overdose deaths. Decriminalisation of drugs allowed the drug
addicts to reform be part of the society again.
There is clear deficiency of ideas in justice
administration in India. While public officials and social workers are agreed
upon the need to reduce overcrowding, there is barely any endeavour onto reduce
overcrowding. Obviously there is fear of backlash against the move to
decriminalize certain offences.[5]
Reformation of prisoners in now days becomes an
integral and necessary part of criminal justice administration as said by
Martin Luther King, “The arc of the moral
universe must bend towards a more empathetic version of justice rather than a
retributive one.” The Prison act should be reformed such that there is
nexus between prison reform and the reformatory theory of punishment. The era
of hands-off doctrine in prison administration is over and now it is always a
matter of judicial scrutiny. There is a need to cure the menace of corruption
from the prisons and introduce a more reformative approach towards prison
A prisoner shall be sent to prison for the punishment
and not as a punishment to deprive his personal liberty and privacy. The
punitive punishment system should not reach the pinnacle level of
destructiveness for human beings from which they can never be reformed. It is
also essential to ameliorate environment of the prisons and to value
humanitarian needs of prisoners so as to ensure that prisons do not create
hardened criminals .It is essential to rehabilitate and socialize prisoners in
view to help the prisoners to become responsible and potential citizen of this
country. The time has come to reform the colonial Indian prison system and amend
the centurion old Prison Act, 1894 as its obsolete and not in tune with modern
day and age where the reformation is required not only of prisons but also the
prisoners who shall be equipped with basic fundamental rights which this nation
grants to its every citizen.
[1]Shagun Bahl, “Prison Laws in India
– The forgotten Law”, Ipleaders, August
24, 2017, available at <> ( Last visited on Jan. 16,
[2] Bureau of Police Research and
Development, “National Policy on Prison Reforms and Correctional Administration”
[3] Russonello. B. & Stewart, Optimism, Pessimism, and Jailhouse
Redemption: American Attitudes on Crime, Punishment, and Over-incarceration:
Findings from a national survey conducted for the ACLU, (Washington, DC:
Belden Russonello & Stewart Research and Communications, 2001).
[4] National Crime Records Bureau, “Prison
Statistics India” (2017).
[5] Raghavan R.K, “Ripe for prison
reform” The Hindu, Oct. 22, 2018.
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