CFP: Droit Penale’s Indian Law Journal on IPR (ISSN: 2582-8762) [ILJIPR, Vol 1, Issue 2] Submit by 30th June 2021


About the Organisation

Indian Law Journal on IPR (ILJIPR), operating under the aegis of the Droit Penale Group, is inviting submissions on contemporary issues related to Intellectual Property Rights for publication in the first volume of the journal.

About the Journal

The Indian Law Journal on IPR (ILJIPR) is a peer-reviewed, double-blind and open access journal, operating under the flagship of Droit Penale Group, wholly devoted to the study of intellectual property law. With the journal's objective being the exposition of contemporary developments in intellectual property law, we encourage authors to explore the latest developments in the field while also giving readers an insight into overlooked areas of the law.

ILJIPR invites academicians, practitioners of the legal profession, researchers, post-graduates, and under-graduate students of law. Contributions may be in the form of articles, essays, notes, commentaries, and reviews. Submissions will be put through an exhaustive review process and published on the official website.

Submission Guidelines

§  All submissions must include an abstract not exceeding 300 words.

§  Submissions must be accompanied by a brief note including the following information:

§  Name

§  Postal Address

§  Name of Institution

§  Course of Study (if applicable)

§  Academic Year

§  In the submission of work, the author undertakes that the work is original and has not been submitted, accepted, or published elsewhere.

§  All submissions will be subject to a plagiarism check at the first stage of evaluation. If work is found to be unoriginal or plagiarized, it will be rejected in the first instance.

§  Co-authorship is permitted up to a maximum of 3 co-authors.

§  The authors will be intimated of receipt of submission within one week from the date of submission.

Formatting Guidelines

§  Font Style: Times New Roman

§  Heading: 12, Bold, Centre Alignment

§  Sub-heading: 12, Bold, Centre Alignment

§  Body Text: 12, Justified, Line Spacing: 1.5, Justified

§  Foot Notes: 10, Foot Note Spacing: 1

§  The Citation type: Indian Institute of Law Citation

§  The paper should be in MS Word Format

Word Limit

§  Research Paper (5000 words including footnotes).

§  Articles (3000-4000 words including footnotes).

§  Short Notes (2000-3000 words including footnotes).

§  Case Commentaries (1000-2000 words including footnotes).

§  Book Reviews (1000-2000 words including footnotes).


§  Intellectual Property of an AI device: Issues and challenges

§  Intellectual Property and Biotechnology

§  Intellectual Property Protection of Plant Biotechnology Inventions: Issues and challenges

§  Legal, social and ethical implications of gene patenting

§  Patenting of Life Forms and Genetically modified organisms (GMO)

§  The convergence of bio, nano, and information technology

§  Legal and regulatory issues in Biotechnology

§  The Interface between Biotechnology and Traditional Knowledge

§  Intellectual Property and Competition Law: Convergence

§  Intellectual Property as an Asset for Merger and Acquisition: Issues and Challenges

§  Digital Copyright Law: Issues and challenges

§  TRIPS and compliance: where does India stand?

§  International IP enforcement

§  Social and Economic Impact of IP

§  Sui generis protection of Traditional Knowledge: Debate between developed and developing countries

§  Impact of COVID on IP regime

Even authors are free to choose any contemporary topic related to Intellectual Property Law apart from the above theme.

How to Submit?

It must be noted that the title and the work shall be the original work of the respective authors. Interested candidates may send original, unpublished papers to mail id, droitpenaleiljipr[at], the subject of the mail should be “Paper Submission-ILJIPR”.

Note: There is no registration and publication fee.

The E-copy of the publication certificates will be issued to the authors whose work gets selected.

Date of Publication: 30th July 2021

Contact Information

E-mail ID: help.iljcc[at]

Droit Penale Group: 0532-3552008

The website link is here.:


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