Call for Blogs: Droit Penale News Letter: No Registration Fee, Submission on Rolling Basis

About the organization
"DROIT PENALE: The Indian Law Journal on Crime and Criminology (ILJCC)", aims to resolve the dubiousness by providing a wide range of well-researched articles, case notes, commentaries etc. covering the major aspects and issues under the ambit of crime and criminology. The term 'Droit Penale', literally means criminal law. It has a French origin and deals with the various facets of crime and criminology. As a huge field of academic study, Criminology tends to cover criminal law and jurisprudence apart from dealing with crimes and criminal and socially deviant behaviour of criminals existing in the society. It also deals with the decriminalisation processes. 
About the Call for Blogs
This blog shall have the latest updates regarding legal facets of the societies at large. We invite bloggers to connect with us and share views or submit articles which can be posted and shared through this blog.
How to submit and General Guidelines
1.    Co-authorship is allowed to a maximum of 2 authors.
2.     Submission should be made in .docx only.
3.     References are compulsory. Any data, graph, fact or any other informative text, if being used, need to have references in the form of footnotes. References should be authentic and from the correct source.
4.     The use of tables and pictures related to the content in the blog is suggested.
5.     Submissions that are plagiarised to more than 20% will not be accepted.
6.     Submissions will be accepted on a rolling basis.
7.      The subject line of the mail should be” BLOG -DROIT PENALE” Please save the name of the file as the “Title-Name”. A different word file containing name, place of occupation/ college, present occupation/year of study attached with a formal picture of the author and co-author. submit your blog article at 
8. Authors have to submit a small bio for the publication of the blog sample of the is available in the Link: .
9. The authors are requested to send the Copy-right form  ( along with their work.

Anyone from the fraternity can send in their blogs. 
Any topic on Law. Blogs on recent topics of legal importance are encouraged even though it is not the sole criterion. The writing should be innovative and highlight one’s research.
Entry Fee
No entry fees.
Important dates and deadlines
No deadline. Submissions would be accepted on a rolling basis.
Word Limit
1000-1500 words (exclusive of footnotes).
Formatting Guidelines
  •  Font Style: Times New Roman
  • Heading: 12, Bold, Centre Alignment
  • Sub-heading: 12, Bold, Centre Alignment
  • Body Text: 12, Justified, Line Spacing: 1.5, Justified
  • Foot Notes: 10, Foot Note Spacing: 1
  • The Citation type: Indian Law Institute Citation

Selected Blogs, will be published on our website 
The aforementioned guidelines are a must to be followed by the authors.
E-Publication Certificate to be given to each published author.

Contact Information
