Submission Guidelines

1.       Co-authorship is allowed to a maximum of 2 authors.

2.      Submission should be made in .docx only.

3.      References are compulsory. Any statistical fact, or any other informative text when being used, need to have references to it in the form of footnotes. References should be authentic to be reliable.

4.      The use of tables and pictures related to the content in the blog is suggested.

5.      Submissions that are plagiarised to a level of more than 20% will not be accepted.

6.      Submissions will be accepted on a rolling basis.

7.      E-mail:

8.     The subject line of the mail should be “BLOG -DROIT PENALE” Please save the name of the file as the “Title Name”. A different word file containing name, place of occupation/ college, present occupation/year of study added to a formal picture of the author and co-author is to be sent.


Anyone from the legal fraternity can send in their blogs.


Any topic on Law. Blogs on recent topics of recent legal importance, even though that’s not the sole criteria. The writing should be innovative and highlight one’s research.

Fee Details

No registration, processing or publication fees will be charged.

Word Limit

1000-1500 words (exclusive of footnotes).

Formatting Guidelines

1.       Font Style: Times New Roman

2.      Heading: 12, Bold, Centre Alignment

3.      Sub-heading: 12, Bold, Middle Alignment

4.      Body Text: 12, Justified, Line Spacing: 1.5, Justified

5.      Foot Notes: 10, Foot Note Spacing: 1

6.      The Citation type: Indian Institute of Law Citation


§  If selected, the blogs will be published on the website of Droit Penale NewsLetter.

§  However, the aforementioned guidelines are to be followed by the authors.

§  E-Publication Certification to each published author.
