Thank you for submitting your research paper for 2nd International Seminar on Criminal Law & Administration of Criminal Justice System in South Asian countries Organised by: DROIT PENALE: INDIAN LAW JOURNAL ON CRIME AND CRIMINOLOGY [ILJCC] Online ISSN: 2456-7280 an imprint of Arjun Das Gulati Educational Group, Prayagraj. We appreciate your enthusiasm.  

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1. The Authors have to submit both soft and hard copy of the copyright form. The soft copy of the copyright form and the word file of the research paper, have to be mailed at with subject “Copyright form” and The Hard copies of the form has to be posted at the following address: “Mr. Gaurav Gulati C/o. Dr. R.N. Singh,382, Magh Mela Godown Officers Colony, George Town, (Prayagraj) Allahabad-211002.Ph. +91-9792600921” we shall not accept any copyright forms in-hand the authors have to mail and post the hard copies.  Link of the copyright form:

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5. The Papers shall go through strict plagiarism check and the plagiarism shall not be more than the permitted limit by the University Grant Commission Rules. 
6. The Author(s) are requested not to use supra or supra note in footnotes.     
7. Remove reference from the paper .Use only footnotes. For footnotes format you can check the attachment with mail. Strictly adhere to this format.

8. If author fails to send the copyright form the paper will be treated as rejected. 

S. No.
Institution/ Affiliation
Manvi  Agarwal
Gyanvi Agarwal
Institute of Legal studies,Chaudhary Charan singh University, meerut
Subodhika Sharma
S S Khanna Girls Degree College, Allahabad
Ekta Gupta
Rohit Radhakrishnan
Amity Law School,Noida
Dr Yash Tiwari
Jagran Lakecity University

Dr Apoorva Dikshit

Shubhi Jadoun
Aakash Keshari
Jagran Lakecity University .

Llyod Law College, Noida
